Empowering Kids to Bring Eternal Hope to other Kids

Hope For Kids teaches children to love Jesus and share His love with others. This program is a twelve-lesson curriculum specifically designed for grades 3-6 to teach children how to know Jesus OR love Jesus and share their faith with their family and friends.

The lessons are enhanced by using skits, crafts (which are witnessing tools), songs, games, and hand actions. The students are equipped with the hope of the Gospel, helping them establish a rich, deep relationship with Jesus.

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Growing Children Deeper In Their Faith To Live For Jesus

The Discover Club is being created to share important Bible truths with children in a way that is relevant and meaningful to them and allows them to grow deeper in their faith. Through the lessons of Hope For Kids and the Discover Club, children will be able to know who Jesus is, respond to Him, grow in their faith through spiritual disciplines, and witness as a way of life.

The Discover Club is twelve lessons, with ten lessons focusing on the five means of growth (Bible, Prayer, Worship, Fellowship, and Witnessing) in a specific way. The other two lessons deal with salvation and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Each lesson is carefully designed to help children understand how these biblical truths are personally relevant and meaningful to their daily lives.

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