The Gospel For All

Equipping all people of all ages

The Gospel Can Connect with Anyone

It is not enough to simply reach into a nation with the Gospel. Within every nation, there are many unique people groups that need to be engaged with the Good News. The truth is that there are still a vast number of people from all ages that have never or barely heard about salvation through Christ.

We believe Jesus offers eternal life to everyone—every nation, every people group, every age group, and every sub-culture. This is what He meant when He instructed us to take the Gospel to the “ends of the earth.” We believe that every person on earth—regardless of their age—deserves a chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus and respond. But how will they hear if no one will speak? To this end, we have programs to disciple all ages of Christians to share their faith.

Empowering Kids to Bring Eternal Hope to other Kids

Hope For Kids teaches children to love Jesus and share His love with others. This program is a twelve-lesson curriculum specifically designed for grades 3-6 to teach children how to know Jesus OR love Jesus and share their faith with their family and friends.

The lessons are enhanced by using skits, crafts (which are witnessing tools), songs, games, and hand actions. The students are equipped with the hope of the Gospel, helping them establish a rich, deep relationship with Jesus.

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Growing Children Deeper In Their Faith To Live For Jesus

The Discover Club is being created to share important Bible truths with children in a way that is relevant and meaningful to them and allows them to grow deeper in their faith. Through the lessons of Hope For Kids and the Discover Club, children will be able to know who Jesus is, respond to Him, grow in their faith through spiritual disciplines, and witness as a way of life.

The Discover Club is twelve lessons, with ten lessons focusing on the five means of growth (Bible, Prayer, Worship, Fellowship, and Witnessing) in a specific way. The other two lessons deal with salvation and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Each lesson is carefully designed to help children understand how these biblical truths are personally relevant and meaningful to their daily lives.

Engaging Teenagers Around The World With The Gospel

EE4G (EE for Generation) is a ministry program designed to bring teens and youth to Christ, and to equip them to go for Christ. We prioritize the growth of the faith of teens and youth in the Lord, their knowledge and understanding of the Bible and how they can confidently share their faith in Jesus Christ with others.

EE4G is highly interactive, utilizing illustrations and on-the-job training to equip teens and youth to share the Good News about Jesus Christ with their community.

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Mobilizing & Discipling Teenagers to Speak Up & Share Life

Faith Talks will be a new high school curriculum that will be used to disciple teenagers in evangelism. In order to reach the Western world with the Gospel (specifically the United States), we are creating Faith Talks to effectively equip high school teenagers to reach their peers with the Good News of the Gospel—bringing hope to a generation in crisis.

We have surveyed, interviewed, and consulted with influential youth pastors and directors from all across the United States of America, and there is an agreed-upon need for these four elements for today’s teenagers: discipleship, teaching identity in Christ, testimony development, and teaching evidence of the truth of the Christian faith. We want to grow teenagers deeper in their faith so they can authentically and boldly share it with their peers!

Investing in Young Leaders Around The World

We want to invest in preparing young leaders to harness their gifts and talents to discover God’s calling in their lives! EE Changemakers provides participants with tools to enable them to equip others to talk about their faith. This program consists of two parts: a four-week residential training at one of our training centers located around the world and an opportunity to serve for a year in a partnership with EE national ministry.

In a world where so many people are living for themselves, EE Changemakers challenges young adults to pursue a life of surrender and to emulate Paul’s heart in Acts 20:24 – “But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the Gospel of the grace of God.”

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Discipling University-Aged Young Adults to Share the Incredible Worth of a Relationship with God

When it comes to sharing their faith most Christians feel guilty, and are scared and ill-equipped. How can they connect with people? Where can they find a relevant and relational way of sharing their faith with their peers? And how can they train other Christians to do the same?

Through XEE, believers step out of their comfort zone, find common ground with their peers, and share the Gospel effectively in their journey with God. This program focuses on conceptual learning as well as dives deeper in how to connect in authentic ways with those we share with. It is an excellent tool to disciple young adults on how to ask engaging questions and start spiritual conversations with their peers.

Equipping Adults on How to Naturally Share the Gospel in Everyday Conversation

Everyday Evangelism is an exciting Gospel training program that will train the people of your church to tell others about Jesus in a way that blends seamlessly with who they are and the relationships they have. It works with their lifestyle; where they go, who they know, how they relate.

Everyday Evangelism has five levels of training—starting with a one-day Share Your Faith workshop. This workshop helps encourage believers to get started in sharing their faith! The other four levels carry Christians through learning how to share the Gospel, teaching and discipling others to do the same, advanced levels of mentorship, and having answers for objections in evangelism.

Everyday Evangelism focuses on a comprehensive, level-by-level training that will grow believers in their spiritual walks. This program teaches them ways to start spiritual conversations, points to help them effectively share the Gospel, and supporting Scriptures and illustrations they can use in everyday conversation. Everyday Evangelism hits many different learning styles through classroom teaching, large and small group discussions, modeling, and discipleship groups.

Discipling Adults to Share the Gospel as a Way of Life

Witnessing as a Way of Life is a mixture of the Classic EE and Everyday Evangelism tools. It has been developed with the aim of using the original Classic EE content while incorporating the newer approaches of Everyday Evangelism. Over ten weeks, Witnessing as a Way of Life focuses on deep discipleship, a combination of both lecture and group discussion, a shorter, well-balanced Gospel Outline,  and an emphasis on On-The-Job Training.

Training Adults to Share Their Faith With Confidence for Over 60 Years

Classic EE is the trusted and time-tested method first introduced at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in the 1970s. Through classroom lessons, homework, and practical on-the-job training, this evangelism ministry changes individual lives and often the life of the church.

Through the years, men and women in the US and around the world have learned to effectively share the Gospel in a concise and logical manner, using many illustrations and scripture references. They, in turn, are equipped to become trainers, assisting others in learning how to do the same – the all-important process of multiplication in action.

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Discipling Believers In A Modern Way With Classic Content

Just EE is a program modified and modernized from Evangelism Explosion’s original Classic EE. When creating Just EE, particular thought and attention were given to respecting the spirit of Classic EE and the pastoral principles of Dr. D. James Kennedy’s philosophy of ministry. While maintaining much of the content and main framework of Classic EE, Just EE is less geared toward the university style of learning and concentrates more on conceptual learning and demonstration time. This twelve-week program shortens the overall presentation and simplifies the training.

Equipping Adults to Share Their Faith Over One Saturday

One day is all it takes. Witness first hand what it looks like to share your faith with the people you meet in a non-threatening way, with kindness and confidence. Equip America will help you present the Gospel of Jesus Christ using something you carry with you wherever you go: your hand. It’s easy! And you can begin sharing your faith with others right away. Together, we can impact America!

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Discipling the Incarcerated Church

Prison EE is a discipleship ministry program that equips and trains incarcerated believers to be trainers of other soul winners, to make disciples of new converts, and prepare them for re-entry to the local church (and in some cases for a lifetime of incarceration). We provide spiritual guidance and discipleship training in prisons internationally. We will teach and equip believers in prisons to share the Gospel, lead fellow inmates to Christ, and disciple them to re-enter the local church. The training involves classroom lectures, praise and worship, and actual on-the-job training. Partner with us to reach prisons in your community!

Weaving the Good News into the Fabric of our Conversations

A training and witnessing experience that is: Biblical. Natural. Memorable. Personal. Portable. Practical. Adaptable.

Weavers has been developed through on-field experience in diverse cultures for oral learners (those who learn and reason best through personal interaction and stories). Experts estimate that at least two-thirds of the world’s population are oral learners. Weavers also specializes in reaching unreached people groups (ethnic groups without an indigenous, self-propagating Christian church movement). The average person in these groups does not know the basic stories of Scripture that tell about God, people, grace, sin, and faith. The culture often has its own stories about everything from creation to eternity. Weavers has been developed especially to facilitate the “people group” part of EE’s vision: “Every nation equipping every people group and every age group to witness to every person.”

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