
Growing in Jesus

Have you read any product labels recently? Talk about complicated! Have you noticed that the more advanced we make life, the more complicated things become? Unfortunately, the same complicated approach is infiltrating our spiritual lives too.

So, it’s time to get back to the basics. The product label on the Spiritual Growth package contains five words: Bible, Prayer, Worship, Fellowship, and Witness.

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Go To The Nations

Go To The Nations

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Have you ever heard this famous Biblical passage before? It’s called the Great Commission and is Christ’s final command to us before He returned to Heaven. Unfortunately, it can be something Christians ignore for several reasons. One of them is that we get involved in all kinds of seemingly good things that keep us all too busy. Jim Collins wrote a widely used book in the business world that opens with this statement, “Good is the enemy of great.” And so many times, we get involved in all kinds of good things, and yet, they are not the great things that we could be doing in seeing men and women come to Jesus. Christ said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” And His last command should be our first concern. Let’s look at ways to get involved and go to the nations: join in prayer, take heart, and rejoice in persecution.

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The Power of Your Story

I meet a lot of Christians who tell me that their story doesn’t matter. Maybe that’s you! Have you ever questioned the significance of your testimony or thought that no one was interested in hearing it? Allow me to share a profound truth from Revelation 12:11 with you: “And they overcame [the enemy] by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony…” Your testimony is not just a story, but a powerful tool in the hands of God.

In fact, God purposefully has given you a unique and mighty story to share. So, as we continue sharing our faith here in May as part of GO Month (with our partners, Go Movement), I’d like to impart to you a few tips you can utilize in order to use your testimony to start spiritual conversations: know the power of your story, make the connection, be genuine, and make the contrast. Let’s look at each one!

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Witnessing Tips

Do you ever get nervous about sharing the Gospel? For the month of May, we at Evangelism Explosion have partnered with the Go Movement and many other ministries to equip and encourage Christians to share their faith. So this month, I’d like to share three witnessing tips that could be the confidence booster you have

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O, What A Savior

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16 You’ve likely heard this verse before, but have you ever thought about it in the context of Christmas? You might be thinking, “That’s a very strange thought. While we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we are thinking about His death?” The answer is yes! We cannot separate those two events because it’s the very reason Jesus was born.

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For God and Country

“If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” This promise from God found in 2 Chronicles can give us such hope—even in a time where hope is scarce for our country. But here’s the truth: God is faithful; He keeps His promises. So, we must humble ourselves, pray, and seek His face. We must turn from our wicked ways and repent of our sins. That’s the power of the Gospel. When we place our trust in Jesus alone and turn from our sins, when we accept Jesus as the Lord and Savior of our lives…everything changes. And when this happens in person after person, well…our culture and country changes. It heals as we are healed. So today, I’d like to share three encouragements to get us up, going, and looking for opportunities to share the Gospel with those around us: the Gospel is still effective, changes everything, and brings hope to the hurting and dying.

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Fruit of the Spirit

When you look at the life of Jesus, you see every one of these qualities. If you’ll devote yourself to Him, you’ll look like He does! If you’re walking close to the Lord, you’ll see the Fruit of the Spirit in your own life; and these traits will help you become an effective witness for Jesus. Now, you may thinking, “how can I share the Gospel using the Fruit of the Spirit?” That’s what we will look at in today’s blog. Think of each one and use them in your actions and speech. Let your intentions be out of love, speak with joy, share His peace and be patient with those you share with. So without further ado, let’s look at each and see how they can impact us as growing Christians who are commissioned to offer these things to those who do not know Jesus through the Gospel!

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Our Task

One of the core philosophies of Evangelism Explosion is one-to-one, in-person discipleship training for the purpose of personal witness and spiritual multiplication. In light of our rapidly changing world, how could we do that? Would we ever be able to gather people like that again? In

Proverbs 3:5-6, we read, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” This has become our daily practice. Over the next few years we watched God use this worldwide challenge for significant increase. He moved in the hearts of Americans causing an increased openness to the Gospel. We saw revival spread in Africa and our ministry there explode with activity! We watched how God brought increased unity within our national ministries for a common movement in fulfilling the Great Commission. 

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